About Tobin Smith

Tobin Smith is a prominent figure in the 21st-century equity investment research community, best known as the founder of ChangeWave Research, InvestorPlace.com, and Transformity Research. His career spans over two decades, during which he has made significant contributions to the fields of growth stock analysis and inflection based investment strategy. 

In 2000, he founded ChangeWave Research, a firm dedicated to providing independent investment research and analysis based on the industry intelligence gathered from its proprietary 1500+ network of subject matter experts in technology, biotechnology, energy exploration and early work in artificial intelligence.

The firm quickly became known for its innovative approach to understanding market dynamics, mainly through the unique use of subject matter expert surveys and data analytics to gauge consumer sentiment and business trends. When asked about ChangeWave Research, Steve Jobs said, “ChangeWave Research was one of the first technology research outfits to GET what we are REALLY doing at Apple!” 

The subject matter expert group survey methodology allowed ChangeWave to identify emerging investment opportunities ahead of the curve, making it a highly valuable resource for investors seeking to capitalize on emerging market shifts or what Smith famously coined as “ChangeWaves.”

Following the success of ChangeWave Research (sold to SP Global in 2010),  Smith launched Transformity Research, which focuses on identifying transformative investment opportunities in technology and other high-growth sectors. His work at Transformity emphasizes the importance of understanding the underlying earnings growth inflection trends that drive significant corporate value appreciation, particularly in the context of technological advancements and their impact on various industries.


Smith's insights have been featured in numerous media outlets, and he has authored several books, including the NY Times bestseller “ChangeWave Investing”, ChangeWave Investing 2.0 from Random House, and "Foxocracy," which explores the influence of media on public perception and investment behavior. 

In addition to his research endeavors, Tobin Smith is also a sought-after speaker and commentator, sharing his expertise on investment strategies and market analysis through various platforms, including podcasts and financial news programs from CNBC to BBC and other media outlets, including Fox News and Fox Business, where he served as a on-air contributor. Smith's career also includes experience as a 14-year panelist of the #1 rated financial TV show "Bulls and Bears" on Fox News, where he developed a reputation for his insights into market trends and economic analysis.

In short, his significant contributions to equity research and his ability to distill complex market information into actionable insights and significant wealth-building buy/hold/sell advisory services for DIY and institutional investors have made him a respected voice in the investment industry. 

Your One-Year Transformity Research All-Access Pro subscription includes

1) Access to both our two #1 ranked performing investment newsletters in the newsletter world: Transformity ULTRA GROWTH Investor--the world's #1 Performing Growth Investing Newsletter 2013-2021 with audited 63% annual growth (measured against the 2013-2021 results of the top 50 newsletters measured by the Hulbert investment newsletter rating service.) 

2) Transformity ULTRA Income Investor--the world's #1 Performing Income Investing Newsletter 2013-2021 with audited 45% annual growth (measured against the 2013-2021 results of the top 50 newsletters measured by the Hulbert investment newsletter rating service.) and cash-on-cash dividends over 32% on the current portfolio. 

And yes, in the amazing 2020-2021 period, because of being in cash and fully hedged into the pandemic stock market crash in April $XOP and $QQQ put options February 2020 based on our early intelligence on the oncoming pandemic from our Transformity Research Experts Network (and the good fortune of buying NKLA, TTCF and other SPAC warrants and options in April/May/June and SELLING them in June & July 2020,) our Ultra Growth and Ultra Income model portfolio is up an astounding 875% for the last 24 months.

That performance above is literally @ 80 YEARS of wealth growth in just the last 24 months--and I can tell you that unless ANOTHER world pandemic strikes soon or Russia drops a nuke on Ukraine or NATO country heaven forbid--those returns will not happen again for a very long time.

In 2022-2025, with the end of the Fed's monetary system expansion policy and beginning of a multi-year monetary system contraction policy, we will be making money the old fashioned way--buying high quality/high gross margin + cash flow secular growth stocks with 3-5 year secular earnings growth locked in and buying 10%-20% yielding variable dividend-paying fossil fuel energy, energy transportation, LNG, coal, and shipping stocks which are riding the wave of transformation from OVER investing in energy drilling and production and maritime vessel manufacturing without regard to economics 2010-2018 to paying huge dividends and buying back their shares in significant amounts from 2021 and onward.  

3) The Transformity Research MacroMarket Timing Index: Our Transformity Research Experts Alliance ("TREXA") intel and MacroMarket Timing Index in January 2020 triggered a US economic recession alerts that had our Macro Market Timing Index signal us to 

a) SHORT the market as of Jan 23 2020 with $10,000 each in out of the money May 15 expiration XOP, SPY, and QQQ put options

b) be fully in cash Feb 25th ex-hedges

c) starting mid-April 2020, we were buying back into Ultra Growth and Ultra Income plays at incredible prices.

This is the same macroeconomic forecasting index had our former research company's subscribers (ChangWave Research founded in 2000) in cash in April 2000 and January 2008.

Our TR MacroMarket Timing index is based on our license from the London School of Economics model that has correctly called all the macroeconomic recessions in the United States since 1989.   

3) Text/Messenger/Drift/Email Access to Tobin Smith and the team. Tobin lives on text--if you have a question or need clarification on any of our positions or options trades, the best way to get a very quick response is his private

TEXT: 301 412-8622  email:tsmith@transformityresearch.com . We working on adding an outbound text service too ASAP so you know when we have made portfolio shifts in real-time. 

4) Portfolio Options Trades (buying and selling): All-Access members get the options trades we make for our managed accounts at Transformity Wealth Management LLC. We also sell options and short options opportunistically for our portfolio positions--aka "trading around" our positions to generate "free money". We also sell and buy options based on technical analysis and positive/negative fundamental news.

For example, the recent $2 put March 19 option we recommended on the Russian stock market index $RSX is a great example of combining our subject matter expert network the Transformity Research Experts Alliance with technical analysis. 50 options (@$1000) acquired on Tuesday before the Thursday invasion of Ukraine (which many of our TRSA intel experts had perfectly analyzed and forecast down to the day) have returned over $22,500 as of 2/28/2022. 

Key Point: These trades move VERY fast and need stop-loss movement up and down (except for LEAPs aka long-term options.)

5) TR All-Access members also of course have unlimited access to these long/short stocks, options, and options income trades plus questions answer and running commentary on the day's big news in our TR All-Access Trading Room on the Discord Platform. For example, our Transformity Research Experts Alliance members have access to the trading room--and one who is deep into the Intelligence business (read _IA) shared his take on the Ukraine Invasion timing down to the day! 

All Access Plus

Every year
No-risk 100% guaranteed satisfaction or your money back!
  • One Year Subscription to Transformity ULTRA GROWTH
  • One Year Subscription to Transformity ULTRA Monthly Income
  • Text/Messenger/Drift/Email Access to Tobin Smith & team
  • Portfolio Options Trades (buying and selling)
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