Virtual Call Tomorrow with Jay Hatfield Portfolio Mgr AMZA PFFA


Dear Inner Circle Member: It's time to have another chat with Jay Hatfield, Portfolio Mgr. of AMZA and PFFA.

The call is scheduled for 2:15 MST TOMMORROW which is 1:15 PST and 4:15 EST

All you do is call this number on your phone

1 480-500-6951 There IS NO PIN#

or use this link from your digital device.

You will be put on hold until the conference call begins.

Context: WE are without a doubt heading right into the biggest Covid-19 tsunami ever over the next 3-5 months--yet oil and gas prices are firm and discounting a future in the next 6 months when the world--and especially the United States--has three of more vaccines (with our old friend Moderna featuring a 95% effective vaccine with simple refrigerated storage) which means a slow but steady decrease in Covid-19 risk and a concomitant increase in hydrocarbon demand and pricing.

Interesting that all this work from home is increasing the use of nat gas and electric utility power (40% nat gas generated). Diesel fuel for transport is only down 3-4% and jet fuel is nowhere close to 2019 levels.

We will also talk about preferred stocks on their way back to $25 normal valuations with solid >12% yields.

IF you have a specific question you want to be asked-- text me at 301 412-8622 with the question and I will make sure we get an answer from Jay--he is not always right (who is?) but, and we say on business TV, NEVER in doubt!

Action to Take: We added OMP Oasis Midstream last week at $9.25 to our Ultra Income Portfolio with its 23.33% yield fully secured (it was cut 73% earlier).

IF you missed it-- you can still get under $10.00 Buy Under with 50% upside along with 20%+ yield--don't be a bonehead--these energy MLPs are still incredible bargains.

USAC--under $11.50 still pumping out $2.10 annual dividend!!!

AMZA <$17.50
REML< $4.75
PFFA < $21

DCP < $15.50
NRZ < $8.50


Updates/AlertsTobin Smith