Quick TTCF Update and our next 3X-10X Winner in Far UV Public Facility Sanitizer World--USLG


Hey Subscriber,

Did anything happen this week? LOL.

I'll make this brief because we are hard at work on our TR Ultra Growth and Ultra Income monthly newsletters and ...

. . . we are about to introduce our latest baby Transformity Research's SuperSPAC PRO Trader service.

Current TR subscribers will get the first crack at the very limited number of memberships in both the regular service and a separate All-Access service featuring our own SuperSPAC PRO Trader Discord Trading room for you hardcore SPAC traders.

We cut the annual fee for the regular SuperSPAC PRO Trader service to just $197 a year so everyone could afford the service. It has 10 blockbuster components and along with the Warrant King Steven Adams, we think we have put together a serious kick-ass SPAC research, analysis, and trading team. The All-Access trading room will be limited to 200 traders at $495 a year--again a bargain relative to the $200-$1,000 a MONTH SPAC research subscriptions.

Look for your invitation out Monday at 10 am-ish (you know how fastidious we are at getting out content out on time--LOL)  and if you for some reason do NOT get your invite, email Shauna at subscriber@transformityresearch.com and we will resend.

FMCI is now TTCF...now what? 

At the opening of trading tomorrow, your broker will convert your units, shares and warrants in Tattooed Chef to the TTCF ticker.

For the Ultra Growth portfolio we will hold the shares and warrants for now (I"ll get to the warrants discount from the $11.50 conversation price in a moment.)

When you get our new updated SuperSPAC PRO Trader "SPAC Trading Playbook Rules" you will recognize many of our learned lessons (some the hard way) in this crazy new world of SPAC trading dominated by 18-40-year-olds trading SPACS on their cell phones on posts they read on Reddit/Twitter/StockTwits and to a lessor degree Yahoo Finance chat rooms. 

That said, based on the texts I get from our 150 All-Access members (BTW we can add another 100 more to TR All-Access now--we've got full-time help and I personally REALLY value the questions and ideas that come in from our All-Access team) I can tell you one thing about our FMCI-to-TTCF shares--we own a SHIT TON of TTCF shares after the conversion tommorrow.

KEY POINT: IF ALL our subscribers decide to sell tomorrow, we could cause an avalanche of TTDF selling--let's not do that OK?

I hear from All-Access members holding/controlling 10,000--20,000 and 50,000 TTCF shares individually--if you multiply our total subscriber base and All-Access members, we have to control MILLIONS of shares. (Full disclosure: Transformity Wealth Management LLC controls accounts with over 250,000 TTCF shares in total). 

My advice: We know the post-reverse-merger playbook:
1) shares spike and melt-up for a few days and Robinhooders splash in thousands of market (not limit) orders and become the marginal market bid buyers as the market makers jack up the "ask" $5 at a time
2) IF the new public company ALSO registers PIPE shares to unlock in it's final Super-S-1 filing, the SPAC gets "Velodyned" or "Hyllioned" and the PIPE holders ("private investment in public equity") dump their $10 shares and they tank the shares.

Note: I strongly believe that the sell-off today was the TTCF holders who got the 30-50% haircuts aka got Hyllioed or Velodyned and that muscle memory caused them to "sell first and ask questions later."

IF THAT premise is correct, even though there  are NO PIPE SHARES that come unlocked tomorrow, I don't see a Robinhooder spike tomorrow. 

Action to Take: We sold put options in All-Access that expire tommorrow--$6 of premium per share is a GREAT WAY to not give a hoot about tomorrow price action ya think?  We also bought some cheap calls with some of that premium and the expire worthless...$4 and change net cost basis reduction (for shares in non-taxable retirement accounts.

To map a plan here...lets look at the closing FMCI chart:


Look at the bottom of the chart--the Slow Stochastic-it is broken support. Slow Sto measures momentum...and in this chart, the 50-day moving average and the 50-day Slow Sto are extremely correlated. 

That tells ME that I am buying $20 put options expiring in November and SELLING November $27 calls to pay for a LOT of the premium.

BUT--I am waiting till tomorrow to advise that trade and put it on for our managed wealth management growth portfolios. Why? Because who the hell knows how tomorrow and even Monday turn out. BUT if we break $23.50 and do not close above, I'll put that trade on.

Do I want to own TTCF long term? Yes-- but I want to own the way ANY position that is up near 500% in 5 friggin months (Warrants up from $1.50 and shares at $13.50 cost basis for TWM). We have already taken half of our stock position and enough of warrants grand slam to be up 300% ish in 5 friggin months...why on earth would I still be greedy.

As I shared with about a dozen All-Accessers via TEXT today " unless you own a true cult stock like Tesla or Apple ( or Dell/Blackberry/LDS Uniphase or Qualcomm back in the Internet Stock haze) you get your cost DOWN to being UP 300-500% and then IF you still believe in your investment thesis let it ride. It took me YEARS to really understand that when I see stock RED for the day (but have a negative -300-500% cost basis) is that stock is NOT IN THE RED---not for me. 

The other lesson is to NOT OWN ANY non-Cult stock in ANY size that makes your stomach churn or your heart race or makes you generally sweat sweat when you open up your account in the morning.  LOOK--you and I have made a ridiculous amount of wealth since 2013--now over 80% a year--that is nearly 12 years of wealth EVERY YEAR.

This year up over 300% is (at the 7% annual SP 500 return since 1964) 42 YEARS of wealth building in just 10 MONTHS!

My best advice is always this: You run your own money for a lot of reasons; but when you beat the market by 42 YEARS in ONE YEAR--take risk OFF the table and build your Ultra Income Plays--like USAC at 20% yield and Antero Midstream at 18% yield and, if you don't use the income, REINVEST IT to build your value at 18-20% a year with is nearly 3 times the stock market--and you are doing NOTHING!

NOW--if you are a subscriber who actively TRADES our buy/sell advice, you have your own risk management system.

Bottom line: TTCH line in the sand is 50-day moving average at $21 bucks. IF you own a significant amount of shares and do NOT know how to hedge it, join All-Access and we will talk you through it via TEXT and calm you mind--that is what All-Access is all about. We can't provide that personal service for thousands of subscribers--most All Access members will tell you the peace of mind and immediate answers to burning questions is worth it. 

OUR NEW Far-UV 222 3-10X Winning Stock Pick: US Lighting Group USLG.
Action to Take: Buy Under .80 cents--Target $2.50

Quick review. We got LSCG around .22-25 cents and it's now near .60 on its way to $1.50. AUVI at $5.50 is now $7.50 and starting to get legs and news flow. 

We discovered US Lighting Group from one of our Transformity Research Experts Group who is in Ohio (where they are located) and is an engineer in the facilities world. He told us (the short version) "the combination of LED life and Far-UV 222 99.9% germicidal virus zapping power is a KILLER combination--and Paul Spivak owns the patents and has licensed them to USLG."

Investment Thesis: Long Lasting 4-foot LED Far-UV 222 lightbulbs that plug into existing 4-foot fluorescent lighting fixtures is a $500 million a year business IF they can be sold at Home Depot/Lowe's/Target and Wal-Marts etc. 

Investment Opportunity: USLG with a tiny $55 million market cap holds 2 patents for 4-foot LED Far-UV 222 lightbulbs that plug into existing 4-foot fluorescent lighting fixtures and manufacture them in Ohio, not China. USLG already sells its commercial LED bulbs in Home Deport. 

4 foot UV light Bulbs Availability: First Quarter 2021 with pre-orders starting late 2020

US Lighting Group, Inc. (OTCMarkets: USLG) is close to introducing what Transformity Research considers the breakthrough low-cost holy grail of Far-UV 222 germicidal lighting and pathogen disinfection for indoor public facilities—a 4-foot UV LED Plug-n-Play commercial bulb that replaces the standard 4-foot fluorescent bulb at a price point significantly lower than current competitive Far-UV 222 lighting fixtures.  

USLG has been issued two patents for UV LED commercial light bulbs. USLG’s new 4-foot UV LED Plug-n-Play commercial bulb at a price point significantly lower than current Far-UV 222 lighting fixtures and our research says will be available in lighting supply shops but most important Home Depot (they are currently already in Home Depot) and then Lowe’s and others will have to follow.  

The USLG plan is simple: replace traditional commercial and institutional indoor florescent lighting with low-cost extremely long-lasting LED Far UV 222 light to sanitize COVID-19 virus pathogens using ultraviolet light technology to sterilize air and surfaces.

Paul Spivak, CEO of the US Lighting Group (who owns 51% of the 100M outstanding shares BTW), engineered and developed USLG UV lighting and holds the United States Patent and Trademark Office Patent No. 6828576 and Patent No. 7229467 for USLG’s UV LED Light Projection Method and Apparatus using ultraviolet and LED lighting technology.

"We are ecstatic to announce that we have engineered the latest Plug-n-Play 4-foot, commercial replacement bulb with our Far-UV 222 LED lighting technology. The US Lighting Group manufactures commercial LED light bulbs, so adding our patented UV LED lights to our existing LED light bulb will put the company light years ahead of the industry," says Spivak.

Transformity Research agrees…we are now deep subject matter experts in Far-UV 222 light virus and pathogen disinfection and sanitization after 3 months of intense work. Given the financial state of many retail small businesses, a HIGHLY effective Covid-19 virus sanitizing commercial light bulb is huge and would be a lifesaver—and not just for North America of course.

USLG has significant international distribution outside of China (which steals LED IP as dogs and cats steal scraps on the floor while I am cooking!) 

Spivak is dead right when he says "These UV LED light bulbs have the potential to disinfect viral agents in critical areas including hospitals, supermarkets, schools, airports, medical labs, senior care centers, fire and police stations. We anticipate a significant growth potential for the company from the development of our new UV LED light bulb."

Germicidal UV lighting products have an effective 99.99% sanitization success rate in sterilizing pathogens based on scientific research.

The US Lighting Group's UV LED florescent lighting bulbs have a HUGE international TAM (total addressed market) worldwide: In schools, government buildings, office buildings, retail stores, food service, hotels, air/train/bus travel, senior living facilities and everyday homes.  

As you know from our almost 300% winner in Lighting Sciences Corporation, there are 20+ years of scientific research that proves Far-UV 222 lights disinfect pathogens like coronaviruses, flu virus and superbugs at a 99.99% rate. Not only does Far-UV 222 lighting very effective in helping to disinfect viral pathogens giving patients, customers, workers and families a measure of protection against the spread of infections.

Side note: for gyms and schools-- ultraviolet lighting is a significant factor in boosting natural Vitamin D generation, an essential vitamin which many people lack and ALSO is proven to help build immunity.

About U.S. Lighting Group, Inc.
US Lighting Group (OTC:USLG) and its wholly-owned subsidiary, Intellitronix Corporation, are leading manufacturers of electronics, supplying growth sectors such as LED lighting, custom-designed LED products, microprocessor-controlled LED instrumentation, custom private labeled electronics, automotive, RV, and marine electronics, and high-tech robotics utilizing our own in-house proprietary artificial intelligence.

The company has manufacturing and R&D facilities in Cleveland, Ohio with an international sales distribution network. www.uslightinggroup.com

OK done for the day. 

We will send this out again in the morning but want our MARKET OPENING subscribers (AND you know who you are!!) to get into USLG near the bottom of its trading range. 

I KNOW we are going to go 3-for-3 in the Far-UV 222 technology space...and yea, say it after me "FAR-UV 222 light is the NEW AIR CONDITIONING" 

Smith OUT! 

Updates/AlertsTobin Smith