You are Invited to the All Access Trading room for FREE to Livestream the TTCF Analyst Meeting


Hey Transformity Investor PRO member,

First off--You are invited to JOIN US FREE TOMORROW in the SuperSPAC Pro Trader Discord Trading room!!

Why? Because we want to show off how valuable being an All-Access member can be!

Just click this link and sign up. You have a one time all day 12/15 access to the site...CLICK NOW and get set-up!

Then download the Discord Server App to whatever device you trade on--plus your phone or iPad.

Why the urgency? Because 1) Tattooed Chef Inc. is holding an analyst meeting at 1 pm EST and Transformity Research will be live streaming the highlights on our Discord site.

2) We post all our SPAC trades to the All-Access Discord trading room FIRST--that is what All Access is all about. Getting the first crack at our trades is especially important if it's an options trade that goes out to the entire SuperSPAC Pro Trader regular membership--that membership is literally growing larger every hour of every day.

For instance, our $20 TTCF Call Option trade from last week moved up 20% from the All-Access trading room notice to All-Access email and 35% from the total TR membership mailing.

Today that .30 TTCF call option is now trading a $1.52 bid

TTCF Dec 18 2020 20 Call
$1.52 1.02 (205.00%)

Action to Take on $20 TTCF Put Trade: IF you sold the $20 Dec 18 PUTs for $2.10-
-they are now 90 cents--be ready to dump them into the end of the meeting and end of the trading day...another winner!

And we will be LIVE CASTING the TTCF Analyst meeting highlights tomorrow--

So--just CLICK here and join us in the SSPT All Access Trading Room dammit! LOL

PS--yes Mr. Stanley--we are in the final process of adding text messaging for all our newsletter services--stuff just moves too fast today for opening an email 5 hours after we sent it.

Action to Take: Join us in the SSPT Discord Room as we live cast the TTCF Analyst meeting tomorrow--our team will post highlights LIVE during the meeting.

Transformity Research you are registered for:

Title: Tattooed Chef, Inc. Analyst Day Webcast
Date: 12/15/2020
Time: 01:00 PM EST
Duration: 3 hours

I have not-so-gently shared with TTCF leadership that they need to build Street Sponsorship to get their valuation to the same level as the other publicly listed plant-based consumer food and meal players like Beyond Meat and Laird Super Foods.

IF they deliver tomorrow, All Access players will hear it live in our Discord Trading Room!

TTCF Option Trade: Trailing sell stops: IF we get a spike in TTCF price on announcements, we will put trailing sell stops on the options 15% below the price of the options as the meeting begins. If the news moves the stock, the options will explode.

Depending on the news, volume, and price action, we will sell 50% or more of our option position as trailing stops ratchet up.
IF you hold TTCF for the long haul


Well, our track record so far for SuperSPAC Trader since Dec 2 is 5 BIG winning trades (STPK, LAZR puts/calls, TTCF puts and calls) and one belly flop with HTOOW.

Action to Take: IF you did NOT get HTOOW 5-year Warrants--they are a steal now --Buy Under $7 or Better

Like I shared on Friday, somebody dumped 53,000 HTOOW warrants about 15 minutes after the opening $13 print--looking into that trade right now. NOWHERE in the S-1 do we find an "unlock" clause for early investors or employees.

This sell-off looks to me like profit-taking/protection and/or tax-loss harvesting. The stock found real support at $6 on decent volume today--that is a sign of where natural long term buyers are coming into HTOO

As mentioned, as the market gets this right, HTOO should skyrocket as the ONLY large green hydrogen maker in the world (green hydrogen means renewable energy is used--in this case solar--to make the hydrogen.).

Remember, green hydrogen is MANDATED for use in the EU for Trucks by 2028--but regulations today make green hydrogen at Fusion Fuel's low cost a win-win. Again Fusion Fuel is making green hydrogen TODAY at the price others projected in 2030!

We are holding our HTOOW shares in our managed Ultra Growth accounts.

See ya tomorrow in the SuperSPAC All Access Discord trading room!

Toby & Steven Adams
Co-editors SuperSPAC Pro Trader

Updates/AlertsTobin Smith