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Introducing Our Latest TR Special Investment Vehicle With Up to 160% Returns in the next 8 Months or Less!

Hey Subscriber,

Last night after the market close I was able to share the final details on a new "Special Investment Vehicle" aka SIV Limited Partnership I am sponsoring.

The response was overwhelming...our All-Access Trading Room crew snapped up nearly 40% of the available 20 available $25,000 units by 10 am this morning. 

Why the urgency?

Well, do you know anything about kids and their undying love for Unicorns?

Executive Summary:
The Unicorntopia Experience LP
A Unique & VERY Profitable Investment + Philanthropy

Introducing a Very Unique Investment Opportunity to Finance the 2021-2022 Unicorntopia Experience Tour Relaunch and partner with me to bring 30 LIVE UNICORNS and millions of moments of extreme joy and happiness into the lives of tens of thousands of children and their parentsplus earn up to a 160%+ annual return on your money in just 6-10 months (plus 6 additional priceless lifetime “Executive Producer” perks including a Lifetime Unicorntopia Golden Pass for your family to attend Unicorntopia events!)

What's the BFD?: It's a global phenomenon: Kids 12ish and under in 180 countries LOVE Unicorns--especially your young daughter and granddaughters!

It is also a 110% fact that Parents and Grandparents will do ANYTHING to provide their kids and grandkids with a unique one-of-a-kind opportunity to experience and genuinely feel GUSHING amounts of joy and happiness and to be a BIG part of making magical lifetime family memories for their kids/grandkids that finally get those beloved kids OUTDOORS and OFF their iPhones & IPads!

Don't believe me? I strongly encourage you to read the following posts I just received from a few new TUE LP investors who have emailed/texted me with "Toby--You had me at Unicorns...I'm IN TUE LP for $25,000" (and more than a few $50,000 buyers) since I announced the TUELP to my best Transformity Research subscribers last night in our Discord trading room.

Dan S. "I sent your Exec Summary to my daughter with 2 girls under 10 years old. She told me "Dad--you have NO IDEA how much our girls LOVE LOVE LOVE unicorns. Between them they have over 20 stuffed unicorns in their bedrooms--you would be an IDIOT to NOT put some $money in this Unicorntopia deal--it's a no-brainer!"
Dan S. is in for $50k.

R Brooks "Toby I’m in for $25k in your TUELP. LOL, I checked with my daughter on your unicorn tour LP deal. She looked at me sideways, rolled her eyes: “Dad, that’s a no-brainer”.

Eric B “Toby I’m IN for $25k in your TUELP. My granddaughter is 4 and surrounded by unicorns. And of course, she rules. There of course is little we grandparents would not do for them!

Shelley W. “Toby I’m IN for $50k--you had me at Live Unicorns (PS as an Arizona taxpayer, she gets a 30% tax credit on her investment) --the deal is worth it just for the Family Lifetime Pass! But besides the potential investment returns, what I love most is how Unicorntopia donates so many tickets, up-and-back transport, and goody baskets to needy disadvantaged kids via the local Food Banks from every event--now THAT rocks Toby!"

My advice? If you have YOUR KIDS have young kids, send them this email and ask them "Honey--are your kids (especially daughters/grandaughters) crazy about unicorns?

Let's just say I am HIGHLY confident of their answer!

PS To my Arizona Subscribers...the TUE LP qualifies for a 30% TAX CREDIT (10% over 3 years)--that another 30% return!

"Wow the Unicorntopia Experience For Our Kids Was Like Mainlining Joy and Happiness" Sam and Marcia Kincade After Bringing Their Two Children through a TUE Camarillo Event late 2019

FROM: Tobin Smith (TUE LP General Partner/Advisor/TUE DTC Ticket Sales Agency CEO)
TO: My ACCREDITED Investor ($1M+ net worth/$200K+ Annual Income) Transformity Research Subscribers/Transformity Wealth Management Clients (and those of you on our waiting list to open a TWM managed account)

The Unicorntopia Experience L.P (“TUELP”) is a “Special Investment Vehicle” or SIV I am sponsoring to raise up to $500,000 (minimum $25,000 investment) from my network of private investors, Transformity Research + Wealth Management subscribers & clients, and family friends via this SIV debt syndication structure.

IMPORTANT: Give this summary a quick read and email or text me back to IMMEDIATELY at or text me at 301 412-8622 and say/text/email “Toby I'm IN-- Put Me Down for $_____ and we will send your LP documents and wire instructions.

Why the rush?

Because there is another group getting organized to fund TUE as wellwe need to have most of our money wired in by Friday, September 10th at the latest to secure 100% of the tour financing. 

This is a first-come, first-serve deal—the minimum is $25,000 but if you want to fund the whole thing (and you know who you are!) feel free to take the rest of the units—just get your money in by September 10!

Key Point: This TUE LP Deal Is as Low Risk and High Return Attractive AS THEY GET, OK!

TUELP will joint venture with TUE Productions LLC to fund the working capital costs required to produce, promote and relaunch the amazingly successful immersive pop-up outdoor Unicorntopia Experience into a projected 12 venues/36 days Tour in Q4 2021 through Q4 2022 in return for a 40% share of net proceeds until TUELP investors receive

  1. A 100% return OF your investment in the TUE Tour back first

  2. Then a 200% return ON your funds invested in TUE LP (minus General Partner's 20% share of profits AFTER LPs have been paid all of their original investment back available)

  3. These monthly cash returns are derived from TUELP's 40% share of net proceeds from @36 outdoor and covid-proof Unicorntopia Experience Tour Events promoted & produced by TUE Productions LLC from October 2021 to December 2022

  4. The 2- and 3-day venue events will be held at various high traffic private Southern California venues within an hour drive of @11 million SoCal citizens (with an Arizona venue if possible)

  5. We estimate weekly NET revenues forecast at $250,000 to $350,000 per week and up to $650,000 net on 1800 walkthrough 3-day Friday/Saturday/Sunday ticket sales in 2021 and 2022 per venue from $250 net ticket sales per car and $55 net merchandise/catering revenues

Note: This tour is the relaunch of the highly successful and 100% sold-out Unicorn Experience Tour 2020-2021 which was unfortunately closed down by California lockdowns and venue closures 2020-21.

CLICK HERE FOR THE LINK to my entire TUE LP Executive Summary

As I said, we have as of this email at 1:30 PST sold out nearly 40% of the available units just in the last 12 hours to  All-Access members in our trading room after 3 pm yesterday --right now we only have 10 $25,000 units left that are not spoken for.

Key Point: This email is being read by over 150 All-Access members as you read this . . .

. . . the next email goes to the entire Transformity Research subscriber universe over 2500+ so that everyone gets a fair shot at getting into this amazing deal . . .

. . .
and if ANY units are left, the next email goes to the 5,000 subscribers on our free WaveWire service. 

KEY POINT: ALL I NEED from you is a firm YES and the number of Units you want to buy (minimum unit is $25k) --we will get the documents to you Tuesday of next week.

If I don't hear back from you that's a NO--which is all good!  

IF you want to share this invitation with someonePLEASE DO--just copy me on the email, please at

IF you need a phone call for me to answer a question--TEXT ME at 301 412-8622 or email me at tsmith@transformityresearch to set up a time. 

Time's ticking...
